Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween from BEST!

photo by Pedro J Ferreira

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cancer Prevention - 50 Secrets of Worlds Longest Living People

It seems like I read every other day about a study showing this or that will help prevent cancer, or lower the rate of recurrence. As a 1.5 yr breast cancer survivor of a very aggressive form of breast cancer (triple-negative) I read these with much interest. There are no drugs I can take to help be reduce my chance of metastasis except the age old approach of diet, exercise and stress reduction.

Good methods to live by – diet, exercise and stress reduction – good for just about anyone for just about anything.

I like the philosophy to living and eating in this book: 50 Secrets of the World’s Longest Living People:

This review is from: 50 Secrets of the World's Longest Living People (Paperback)

In this book, the author has interviewed, collated and summarized the living and eating habits and foods of the people who live the longest. The research has been done; the author gives the reasons why these habits work, and the unanimous result from Okinawa, Symi, Campogimele, Hunza, and Bama people are so similar across these disparate cultures that it is scary:

It is that in order to live a long and happy life one must:

Eat five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day; eat until 2/3 full; eat whole grains, buckwheat, brown rice, use hemp, eat meat as a treat; eat lots of nuts and beans; prepare meat properly; use organic goat and sheep cheeses; have an egg occasionally, eat lots of fish; use extra virgin olive oil; use garlic and onions; eat crunchy vegetables, eat sweet potatoes; eat pizza; eat apricots; eat yogurt; berries; eat fermented foods; eat soy the traditional way; eat mushrooms; herbs; go organic, live a stress-free life; have red wine with dinner; drink green tea; drink lots of water; combine foods; fast and meditate from time to time; use vitamin supplements; exercise; get plenty of sunshine; exercise the brain; sit still and do nothing; have faith; sing in the shower; help others; get married or get a dog; avoid the standard American diet; sleep; keep friends; and then put all these things altogether.

Do not eat anything in excess, especially foods with a high glycemic index; avoid fats; don't drink alcohol or smoke; never overeat, or over cook foods, don't eat refined sugar, too much salt, too much meat or diary products, processed foods, too much black coffee, greasy foods or too much butter.

Written by Deb of GlowGirl 16

Saturday, October 29, 2011



  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon ground allspice
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Whipped Butter
  • Fresh Blueberries
  • Strawberry Jam or Jelly

Directions for Cooking:

  1. In a bowl, mix together the milk, pumpkin, egg, oil and vinegar. Combine the flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, allspice, cinnamon, ginger and salt in a separate bowl. Stir into the pumpkin mixture just enough to combine.
  2. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot.

Directions for Decorating:

  1. Using a melon scoop, scoop out two balls of whipped butter and place them on pancakes.
  2. Make groves in the butter with a toothpick and fill with strawberry jam or jelly.
  3. Place fresh blueberries in the center for pupils.

Written by: Kelly's Keychains

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Finds - Rolodex

In an effort to stay organized, I have been thinking about purchasing a rolodex. Etsy is a wonderful place to look because you can search for vintage and handmade options. Here are three great options that I found:

MargaretAndWalter small address box, handmade with love in a tiny studio in the northeast of Scotland

Kicking it old school with a Zephyr American rolodex from ShopMichL

Wood grain and dome top from vintagebyalexkeller

Written by Erin of Holler & Whistle.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Monster Craft Mash with the DC Craft Mafia!

The DC Craft Mafia is hosting it's first ever Monster Craft Mash! It's is sure to be a monsterous event! If you are in DC, come check it out. BEST members Design by Night, Jill Popowich Designs in Metal, Namoo and Damn Good Doormats will be on hand... or on brooms. The DC Craft Mafia will be holding The Monster Craft Mash craft show outdoors in the parking lot at St. Luke's Episcopal Church at 1514 15th St, NW (15th and P) just a short zombie shuffle from the Dupont Circle metro.

For more information check out

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Think Pink and shop for a good cause!

It's not too late to show your support to Breast Cancer Awareness Month! There are a few days left in October to shop on-line and help support The Red Devils. The Red Devil's are a non-profit that help breast cancer patients.

To help add to the tally for our BEST 4 Breasts fundraiser, these two great BEST members have graciously decided to donate the proceeds from some of there items to give to The Red Devils. Deadline for purchases are Nov. 1, 2011.

Check out these fab items on Etsy from Glow Girl and Yummy & Company:

Your Number's up!

Need help crafting your financial statements?
This weekend, Maryland Lawyers for the Arts and Maryland Art Place are hosting Accounting for Artists on Saturday, Oct. 29, 2 to 4 pm at Power Plant Live, 8 Market Place, Suite 100, Baltimore, Maryland 21202

CPA Jonathan Mayo will be covering basic accounting for artists, including record keeping, spreadsheets, accounting software, and taxes. To RSVP email-  Session if free but you must RSVP to save your spot!.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Summit of Awesome Wrap-up

Yes it was awesome!
My mind is still reeling from attending the Summit of Awesome last week! (If you're not sure what the Summit of Awesome is, click this link.) The panels they had were so helpful and I'm really excited to try and up my game this year!

Highlights for me were meeting and learning about hiring help from Figs and Ginger. Yes, they are even cuter and amazing in person! Jon Wye- ( you probably know his work, but don't know that you know his work!) and WIllo from Willotoons- this girl really knows her stuff and is so warm and friendly.

Jay McCarroll, from Project Runway, was there and gave a little speech about his journey post-Runway. He has been hitting the craft circuit this past year and says he relates to the "craft world" much more than the "fashion world".

Another highlight was getting to pitch a book idea to a literary agent! I know! Crazy right!?! She gave me some great advice and was very receptive to the ideas I had. I'm not quite ready to get started on anything yet, but it was such a terrific experience to be able to discuss an idea with someone who knows that world and how it works. Sorry if I'm being ramble-y but it really was kind of exciting and overwhelming to be around so many creative people!
The gals from Hello Craft did an amazing job of organizing and putting on this event!

Etsy Finds

I met Kathleen Coffen of Black Gardenia when I was vending at a show in Atlanta last year and instantly fell in love with all of her amazing creations!
Her company is dedicated to creating exceptional handmade hats, fascinators, & hair accessories for the discerning fashionista. Every item in the Black Gardenia collection is made using a mixture of traditional supplies with re-purposed materials and vintage items.
This unique blend of old and new makes each piece special and made with love.
I got one of these little tiny sun bonnets the last time I saw her! It is so fun and it makes people smile when they see it on!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Favorite Etsy Shop - In the Seam

Two great things that go great together!

I love manhole covers. I take photos of them everytime I take a trip. Really!

And I love pillows. I'm one of those irritating people who arrange large quantities of them on every available sofa and bed. And chair. And maybe a chest or two.

So, imagine my delight when I, through the magic of Etsy, found manhole cover pillows! Maybe a niche market, but so cool!

The shop is In the Seam.

A classic NYC one:

And an unusual Ukrainian one:

Oh, they also do pillows of cute animals and loteria cards, too. In fact, that was how I found this shop, when I was looking for images of La Sirena. But that perhaps is another post.

Written by Seanna

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Life, Etsy, Crafting and Cancer

Crafting, and in particular crafting on etsy has been a lifesaver for me these past 3 years. Looking back, I
can now smile and recognize what a joy it is to be where I am today, doing what I do.

I lost a long held corporate job in late 2007. Yikes, how does a gal over 50 with no degree go up against
so many other younger and educated people all vying for the same job? After an extremely comfortable
position, how do you start over? It took me about a month to decide I did not want to continue in
corporate America. I had no interest in going back to school or becoming more tech savvy. All I could
think about was getting back to my “creative” roots. (I was a full time craftsperson in the 80’s!)

I bought a sewing machine so I could begin to learn to machine quilt – both for relaxation and for the
inspiration to be doing something creative again. Ideas and product began to flow. It was exhilarating
to be back in the arts and crafts world. I loved being on the crafts show circuit again and loosing hours
in the studio exploring ideas and techniques. Life was good!

…and then I felt it….the lump…the tests…the waiting…..I had breast cancer.

Cancer. You don’t know how you’re going to react when told this. I was actually very calm and
accepting and quickly hunkered down to prepare myself for what lay ahead. Holiday craft shows for
2009 were cancelled. Surgery was in Dec 2009, followed by chemo and radiation which lasted until July

Crafting. It became a wonderful way to divert my attention from the hardships over cancer treatment.
I was able to explore working with dying fabric and yarns, felting, quilting and weaving. Etsy provides
a huge resource of information and resources on how to build, market, valuate and nurture a crafts
business. The information available was a great way to keep my mind alive while my body felt so bad.
I honestly do not know what I would have done had this community not been there. My family does
not live close by, and it was so helpful to have the support, encouragement and friendship from my etsy
BEST team and others I’ve met throughout the artistic community.

I am now back on feet, one year cancer free! Etsy is still a huge part of my life, nearly all my business is
done through etsy and I look forward to getting back out on the crafts show circuit again!

I am so joyful that the BEST team has chosen breast cancer as their cause to work for this year. The
chosen organization, the Red Devils are a superb group of people that offer such a great resource of
assistance, information and help to cancer patients and their families. I am honored to be part of BEST
and their work to raise funds for the Red Devils.

Loving life and shining still –

Deb Christian


Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Finds: The Zombie Plague

For awhile you couldn't turn on your TV without seeing a show about vampires, but it seems like the tide is turning and Zombies are becoming the new Vampires.  So here are some great finds to celebrate the coming Zombie Plague.

Welcome the Zombies to your home with this Zombie Garden Gnome by dougfx

Get prepared by learning your Zombie ABC's by llamacafecom

Protect Yourself with a Flask of Zombie Defense Serum by Kitchville
Finally, let them eat brains.. cake that is by monsterkookies

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Twenty Things - Rebecca of Backbone Jewerly

1. I’ve been in love with metal since working in a metal fabrication shop in Philly
2. I’m a pretty serious introvert
3. I chipped my tooth jumping off the cliff at Beaver Dam when I was 17
4. I don’t really like the beach but go every year
5. I may have read most of Tony Hillermans novels
6. But…my favorite author is Dostoevsky
7. Worst job ever as a barely paid waitress at Ihop in Philly
8. Favorite job was landscaping, loved getting dirty every day!
9. In middle school I had to buy size 11 and 12 shoes, thankfully I somehow ended up size 10
10. We can’t keep Fig Newtons in the house because I devour the whole thing in about 2 days, and I don’t like to other flavors
11. I own a house on the same street I grew up on
12. I once lived in a house where we were too cheap to pay the gas bill in the summer so we heated hot water on the stove to use to wash with. Now I refuse to take cold showers.
13. When I was a kid I really wanted to be a hair dresser, I guess I always liked working with my hands.
14. I really like interesting words, I am on an anatomical kick since
I am in school for nursing, Popliteal is pretty great.
15. I love roller coasters and would get on the Zipper in O.C. a couple times in a row every summer.
16. I have a ridiculous love of animals, especially dogs.
17. Fresh hot pretzels at 1 in the morning in Philly are sweet
18. I snuck onto the roof of the Hyatt in Philly and would hang out up there with a friend, the view was amazing!
19. I thought my middle name was just the letter K until sometime in middle school, its actually Kay.
20. My studio is always a disaster

Written by Rebecca of Backbone Jewelry

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What I'm Working On- Yummy & Company

Fall is starting to settle in and for me that means a new color palette!
Indigo is the color of my fall collection!  To see it in person, stop by .925 the Silver Store, in Fells Point, or check my blog to see where I'll be vending in this show season!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What I'm Working On: Van Wagoner Studios

This past weekend I swung into production mode in the studio working a marathon 48 hours. I'm getting ready for the holidays and having a lot of fun with the clay.

My work is built primarily with slabs and embellished with unique photographic images. This most recent work gets away from the simplicity of a platter or the ease of a small bowl. These forms are geometric puzzles put together with many small stiff slabs of clay. Each one cut and fitted to the last until a closed shape is created.

Each form is inspired by the vernacular architecture which will be printed on it's surface. They are primarily sculptural, though each has a hole (or two) in the top and could serve as a vase–very appropriate for dried wildflowers found in the field. The vases pictured above are in-progress awaiting their barn image.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Favorite Etsy Shop - PetitPlat

Working with polymer clay can be a joyous but laborious task. I look to the works of others for inspiration in my medium. One of my favorite Etsy artisans is Stéphanie Kilgast. Her shop, PetitPlat (translated as Petite Plate) is a wonderful medley of miniature foods and jewelry. Having a background in architecture Stéphanie decided in 2007 to find a new hobby and immersed herself in the wonderful world if 1:12 miniature scale work. The result is a whimsical and dainty look into the mind of a wonderful artist.

Candy Dessert Table

Sushi Earrings

Miniature Meal Tray

Written By: Kelly of Kelly's Keychains

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Random Baltimore Photo

Johnny Unitas statue at M&T Bank Stadium

Photo taken by Jen Connolly at Element 120 Photos

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tutorial - Draw String Bags

We have a situation in my house: too many toy sets with lots of parts that are too easy to mix up with the other toy sets with lots of parts. The answer to our dilemma? Easy-to-make drawstring bags. It's always nice to find a storage solution that's simple for the whole family to use, and the uses for these handy bags are certainly not limited to toys. They are perfect for travel or the gym and can be used for makeup, crayons, cell phone chargers . . . anything that just needs a home. These directions are for a 10" x 10" drawstring bag, but you can simply adjust the measurements to make a bag that is larger or smaller.

To make one 10"-square bag, you'll need:

1/3 yard quilting weight fabric (you will have enough fabric leftover for a second bag)
1 yard ribbon or cord
Sewing machine
Straight Pins
Large Safety Pin


1. Cut the fabric into a 12" x 22" rectangle.

2. Fold in half, right side of the fabric out, and iron the crease. Measure 2" down from the top and pin.

3. Sew the two sides, leaving the 2" margin unsewn.

4. Trim the fabric around the two sewn sides to about 1/4"

5. Turn the bag inside out and press. Sew the two sides again to enclose the seam (but still leave that 2" margin untouched). Snip threads.

6. Now you will make the sleeve for the drawstring. With the bag still turned inside-out, fold the edge of the 2" margin back and press. Next, fold a 1/2" margin down all along the top and press. Finally, fold the fabric down 1", press, and pin.

7. Sew around the entire top of the bag.

8. Secure the safety pin to one end of the ribbon or cord and use it to thread the drawstring through the channel.

9. Remove safety pin, tie the drawstring with a knot, and trim the ends.

10. Fill your cute bag and enjoy!

Written by Brita of Beeps Peeps

Check out the post on Brita's blog here!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Finds: Apple Picking

 Baby booties "Two Apple halves" by Zecite

Patchwork and Linen tote bag by bvann


Out on A Limb - Forbidden Fruit by blockpartypress


 Apple Tree Folk Personalized Dessert set mugs and dessert plates for 2 by happiestdaysdesigns

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Life, Etsy, Crafting and Cancer

Crafting, and in particular crafting on etsy has been a lifesaver for me these past 3 years. Looking back, I can now smile and recognize what a joy it is to be where I am today, doing what I do.

I lost a long held corporate job in late 2007. Yikes, how does a gal over 50 with no degree go up against so many other younger and educated people all vying for the same job? After an extremely comfortable position, how do you start over? It took me about a month to decide I did not want to continue in
corporate America. I had no interest in going back to school or becoming more tech savvy. All I could think about was getting back to my “creative” roots. (I was a full time craftsperson in the 80’s!)

I bought a sewing machine so I could begin to learn to machine quilt – both for relaxation and for the inspiration to be doing something creative again. Ideas and product began to flow. It was exhilarating to be back in the arts and crafts world. I loved being on the crafts show circuit again and loosing hours in the studio exploring ideas and techniques. Life was good!

…and then I felt it….the lump…the tests…the waiting…..I had breast cancer.

Cancer. You don’t know how you’re going to react when told this. I was actually very calm and accepting and quickly hunkered down to prepare myself for what lay ahead. Holiday craft shows for 2009 were cancelled. Surgery was in Dec 2009, followed by chemo and radiation which lasted until July 2010.

Crafting. It became a wonderful way to divert my attention from the hardships over cancer treatment. I was able to explore working with dying fabric and yarns, felting, quilting and weaving. Etsy provides a huge resource of information and resources on how to build, market, valuate and nurture a crafts business. The information available was a great way to keep my mind alive while my body felt so bad. I honestly do not know what I would have done had this community not been there. My family does not live close by, and it was so helpful to have the support, encouragement and friendship from my etsy BEST team and others I’ve met throughout the artistic community.

I am now back on feet, one year cancer free! Etsy is still a huge part of my life, nearly all my business is done through etsy and I look forward to getting back out on the crafts show circuit again!

I am so joyful that the BEST team has chosen breast cancer as their cause to work for this year. The chosen organization, the Red Devils are a superb group of people that offer such a great resource of assistance, information and help to cancer patients and their families. I am honored to be part of BEST and their work to raise funds for the Red Devils.

Loving life and shining still –

Deb Christian


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Summit of Awesome

As a maker, you spend a great deal of time alone in the studio. Every once in a while, it's essential to get out and mix it up with other creatives and makers. Luckily the chance to do just that is right around the corner, and even more exciting is the fact that it's happening right here in BALTIMORE!!!!!

The Summit of Awesome is put on by Hello Craft and is an amazing opportunity to network and soak up lots of industry know-how. In Hello Craft's words, "The Summit of Awesome is an annual conference that brings together crafters and makers from across the U.S. to learn, grow, and be prosperous in today’s economy. With a desire to help sustain the handmade movement and support independent crafters within the community, Hello Craft welcomes independent business owners and makers to the 2011 Summit of Awesome."
The line up of speakers is beyond impressive. It Includes Jay McCarroll of Project Runway fame, Elijah + Rhonda Wyman, the designers behind the amazing jewelry and homegoods line Figs and Ginger, as well as the craft superstar duo Shauna and Stephen of Somethings Hiding in Here, local craft icons Biggs & Featherbelle, and many, many more. Trust me, this is a do not miss event!
To purchase passes click here.
To see the schedule of events, click here!

Summit of Awesome takes place October 20-22, in the 1840’s Ballroom, located at 29 South Front Street in Baltimore, Maryland.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Clover Market- The Perfect MIx!

If you're a lover of all things craft and all things vintage, get ready to travel to Ardmore for the Clover Market! This market has both! This beautifully curated market will make you wish you had a fatter wallet and all the time in the world to shop! Janet Long carefully selected all of the vendors and has pulled together a wonderful event for the whole family to enjoy. Charms City Company will be there along with Yummy & Company!
Be sure to check out the market's facebook and flickr stream to see what you don't wanna miss! Markets are scheduled for this weekend, on Sunday October 16, as well as on Sunday, November 6th. The fun begins at 10am and goes till 4pm. Located at 12 East Lancaster Avenue in Ardmore PA.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Favorite Etsy Shop - Rock My World, Inc.

The hand cast silver jewelry from Rock My World Inc. are sure to be a hit with animal lovers and great for wedding gifts. You order your piece, they mail you the kit to get your fingerprint, dog or cats nose print, or dog or cats paw print, then you mail it back and they will work on your piece. These are very unique gifts you will not find everywhere.

written by Abby of Abigail Leigh Handbags

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Pink Ribbon

We see it everywhere – and we all know what it stands for. But look a little deeper at the use of this and how it has turned into a very profitable tool for corporate America. Are our dollars going towards finding a cure, or to provide profits to companies who in many cases manufacture products that are linked to causes of cancer?

This film, due to come out in 2012 delves into this subject manner. Please watch the trailer.

Breast cancer has become the poster child of cause-related marketing campaigns - people walk, run and shop for the cure. Each year, millions of dollars are raised in the name of breast cancer, but where does this money go and what does it actually achieve?

Pink Ribbons, Inc. is a feature documentary that shows how the devastating reality of breast cancer, which marketing experts have labeled a "dream cause," has become obfuscated by a shiny, pink story of success.

THEN, check out

Have you heard the term pink washing? It came to be as a result of Corporate America jumping on the pink ribbon train.

Pink washing is – A company or organization that claims to care about breast cancer by promoting a pink ribbon product, but at the same time produces, manufactures and/or sells products that are linked to the disease.

So before you grab any product off the shelf soley because the promote their concern about breast cancer, think before you pink!

Their current campaign actually targets the Susan G. Komen group for a commissioned perfume this toxic and hazardous ingredients. VERY sad….

Written by GlowGirl16 - 1.5 year Breast Cancer Survivor

Friday, October 7, 2011

Last chance to apply to Holiday Heap

applications are due October 8th at midnight!
Go ahead - inspire us!