Friday, October 3, 2008

Benefit for the Gaffney's

The thing about this crafty scene is that it brings people together who otherwise may just be stuck in the house. OK. Maybe it's just me who would be stuck in the house. It brings us together and we become part of the greater community. We have all formed relationships, not just with fellow crafters, but with folks who support us, who come out to just see what it is that we do.

I met my friend Marie at Pile of Craft this spring. We'd met in passing a handful of times (this is Baltimore), but when the two of us made the connection that we'd crossed paths before, and realized that we have sooo much in common, we became quick friends.

Not long afterward, she told me that her good friends, The Gaffneys (Alana and Matt and their 3 kids, including newborn Jimmy) recently lost everything in a house fire in Lauraville (If you read City Paper, you might have seen Jimmy featured on the cover in the article on homebirth). No one was hurt, but they were, and are, still in need of help.

A group of friends and supporters is holding a benefit and silent auction to raise money for the family. You can visit the database in the group they've set up online to bid on items before the event. Please keep in mind that every dollar raised will go to directly to the Gaffneys to help them get back on their feet and begin to replace some of the things they've lost. The auction will end on Wednesday October 8th at a pot-luck benefit to be held in Lauraville/Hamilton, at the Faith Community United Methodist church on the corner of Gibbons and Harford Rd at 6:00pm.

Local shops, restaurants, massage therapists and acupuncturists have pulled together to auction their goods and services in order to help and members from The Charm City Craft Mafia and the Baltimore Etsy Street Team are busily combining talents and compiling one fabulous basket of craft just for this event. If you've been wanting to begin your collection of craft, there is no better reason to start than with this. And like I said, every dollar raised will go to directly to the Gaffneys.

Please join the Gaffneys and their friends for a pot-luck dinner and last chance bidding. Winners will be announced at the benefit on Wednesday, October 8th.

The pot-luck benefit and silent auction will be held at the Faith Community United Methodist church on the corner of Gibbons and Harford Rd at 6:00pm.

Please R.S.V.P. by voting in the poll at the Gaffney Auction group's homepage

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