Monday, November 3, 2008

Favorite Seller: Shere Design

Is there anything sweeter than a little bird? Not for me... I'm a bird watcher. So, imagine my pleasant surprise when I was first looking for wedding bands and stumbled across the beautiful birdy jewelry from Shere Design, of Nottingham, UK.

Each piece is so whimsical & happy; so delicately detailed & each little bird seems to have its very own spirit. I still haven't decided on a single piece (luckily, that's what Etsy Favorites are for... I've got a nice little wish list going on!), but I'm loving this brooch and can't imagine anything I'd rather have on my lapel than a sweet bird in a happy tree.

As for rings, the balancing bird ring may have stolen my heart-- i love the outstretched wings and the clean lines of the silhouette. Here's my hand... perch away, dear birds, perch away.


  1. My namesake! Actually Helen and I have convo'd before. Although not related to each other, we both think it's funny that we have the same unusual last name and are both metalsmiths.

    I think her work is LOVELY!

  2. I've done a couple trades with her, and wear my earrings and ring ALL the time. She is so sweet!
