Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Deadline to Apply to Crafty Bastards

photo by moregeoffsphotos
For all of those making handmade products out there in the area, your time for applying to Crafty Bastards is coming up! July 5 is the deadline! It's an easy application, 3 images, a 300 word limit statement about your craft and a $10 application fee. Crafty Bastards takes place Saturday, October 3rd, 2009 from 10AM to 5 PM in the Adams Morgan area of DC. It's a definite don't miss event! Need help with your photos or need application tips, check out this article Craft Show Applications Unravelled on the Storque that goes through some very valid points for craft show applications for the new as well as the seasoned craftster.

When you're ready apply here

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