Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tonight, Discover What Art With a Heart is All About!

July 15 - August 2, 2009 at The Hexagon: Art with a Heart, A Community Youth Exhibition.

In this exhibition, students from Art with a Heart groups, Success Academy (for students who have endured long-term school suspension), Harford House (a group home for adolescent girls), Kanner and Debuskey Houses (group homes for adolescent boys), Transformations (a group home for adolescent boys), The Children’s Home (a residential facility for adolescent boys and girls) and Tuttie’s Place (a group home for adolescent boys), share artwork that they have completed during their involvement with their programs. The Hexagon is honored to provide an exhibition space for Art with a Heart students who may not otherwise have a chance to share their dynamic artwork with their neighboring artistic communities. In addition to an opening reception, the exhibition will be on display via Hexagon open house during Artscape festivities.

Art with a Heart is a community art organization that provides interactive, hands-on art activities to disadvantaged families and children, and to people with developmental and physical challenges. For more information about Art with a Heart programs and projects, please visit

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