Friday, August 14, 2009

Un(Bound): An Altered Books Competition

altered book spread
Photo by bellah.

Feeling creative? So get in the act! Grab one of those unwanted books and turn it into a work of art. The Enoch Pratt Free Library is proud to announce its first ever Altered Books Competition.

An altered book is any book, old or new that has been recycled by creative means into a work of art. They can be rebound, painted, cut, burned, folded, added to, collaged in, rubber stamped, drilled or otherwise adorned. Altered books may be as simple as adding a drawing or text to a page, or as complex as creating an intricate book sculpture.

All entries to the competition should be received no later than 1 p.m. on Saturday, September 26. Prizes will be awarded to the top three altered books. The top 15 altered books will be on display at the Central Library during the month of October.

Support for the Pratt’s Altered Book Competition comes from Art for Life, Atomic Books, Bowerbox Press, Creative Alliance, Doubledutch Boutique, The Helmand Restaurant, Joe Squared Pizza, Landmark Theatres, Mr. Yogato, Post Typography, Tag Galleries, Tapas Teatro, Squidfire, Urbanite Magazine, Utrecht Art Supplies, The Wine Source, and Zeke's Coffee.

For more information, guidelines and a registration form for the Pratt’s Altered Books Competition, visit the Pratt Library website.

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