Monday, September 28, 2009

Favorite Etsy Shop: Feral Goat

There's no question that I have a soft spot for the Midwest. I love the cornfields that dot the landscape, sparkling lakes, the way life crawls at a slower pace, deep dish pizza, and my sweet husband that I snatched up all the way out here in Baltimore. Being a girl from Indiana, I light up when America's heartland is mentioned. When I found Feral Goat's etsy shop, I was smitten.

Katie Scully's photography immediately takes me back to the greatness of the Windy City and it's outlying areas. Here she catches the vastness of Lake Michigan.

I romanticize the frigid winters now that I don't have to deal with them on a regular basis. This photograph makes me crave a brutally cold afternoon, followed by a mug of hot cocoa.

And the grittiness of the "L". How I love it so.

Written by Monica of Sugar Paperie

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