Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Finds- BEST Crafty Bastards

Who is the Craftiest Bastard? You decide! Vote here for one of your favorite BEST members for the prestigious title Craftiest Bastard! For a complete list of crafty Bastard vendors click here.

Beth Pohlman Jewelry

Block Party Press

Dandelion Blu Jewelry


Sweet Pepita

The Broken Plate Pendant Co.

The Garbologist's Wife

The Littlest Bean



Washington City Paper and Urban Outfitters want you to vote for your favorite Crafty Bastard! All 2009 vendors are in the running for Craftiest Bastard of 2009. The three vendors with the most votes cast in their favor will be awarded one of the following prizes:

Grand Prize: $500 gift certificate to Urban Outfitters + Winner Promotion in one City Paper 1/4 page print ad + 1 Crafty Bastards eblast

2nd Place: Washington City Paper advertising ($500 value)

3rd Place: Crafty Bastards prize pack filled with City Paper goodies

Votes may be cast online until Sunday, October 4. Online voting is limited to one vote per email address. Anyone may use the various widgets provided to encourage others to vote. Votes may also be cast in person at the Crafty Bastards festival on Saturday, October 3rd. There will be ballot boxes located at the City Paper booths and other locations on site.


  1. I don't know how I'd pick from this awesome group! Maybe I'll vote from different email addresses for everyone....everyday!!! Hope one of you guys win, you deserve it!

  2. I'm with Shelly, I don't think I can pick just one! You all are the craftiest bastards I know!

  3. I have to agree with the others, it is too hard to choose just one. Beautiful work.
