Tuesday, September 22, 2009

MAP: Curators Incubator Program Thursday

The Curators Incubator brings young curators under the wing of an experienced art organization to program inventive projects for the MAP galleries. On view through October 24 are the three projects designed by this year's curators. The first of four gallery talks happens This Thursday at MAP!

Janell Olah

2009 Featured Curators:
Shelly Blake-Plock: Art of the Set-Up: Sound Objects as Artifacts
Artists: Peter Blasser. Alessandro Bosetti. Andy Hayleck. Bonnie Jones. Melissa Moore. Mike Muniak.

Rachel Sitkin: In Our Nature: Artists Reflect on the Manmade Landscape
Artists: Kim Beck. Laura Cooperman. Michelle Hagewood. Alex Lukas. Igor Pasternak.

Margaret Winslow: Soft Space: Architecture in Contemporary Art
Artists: Ronald Longsdorf. Janell Olah. Stephen Ruszkowki.

Laura Cooperman

This Thursday there will be a gallery talk and sound art performance with curator Shelly Blake-Plock and John Berndt and Art of the Set-Up artists. The program starts at 6 p.m. on Thursday, September 24. Gallery talks by the other two curators will follow in October.

For more details and info on additional programs visit the MAP Web site!


  1. I adore that delicate cutwork! (Also love the idea of apprenticing curators!)

  2. Yes, that house is simply breathtaking!
