Monday, September 14, 2009

Three Things

Anyone who lived in the D.C. area during the '80s and '90s remembers the great old radio station WHFS and Weasel the DJ. Weasel had a daily feature called "My Three Songs"; in this game, he would present three songs that had a common thread, theme, or leitmotif, and the object was for the listeners to guess what it was.

Here are three items by Etsy artists. What do they have in common? Give your answer in the comments below!

First of all is this remarkable Mason Bee Home from Andrew’s Reclaimed. This shop features beautiful, practical items for home and garden, all made from recycled wood. Mason Bees are great pollinators but do not build hives—hence their appreciation for human-built residences.

If you should be so fortunate as to live in the suburbs or country, you might try attracting some purple martins, who will love this Victorian gem from Bee Gracious. Martins are into communal living in apartment houses, and this house reminds me of the Patterson Park Pagoda.

And finally, though not for the faint of heart, are the bats. Though scary, each bat can eat up to six times its weight each day in insects and garden pests. Why not give them a nice home of their own like this one in natural cedar from Little Birdhouse Store. That will keep them out of your house, where they’d really prefer not to be.

So, not to put too fine a point on it, what’s my theme?

Written by: Anne of AMadison


  1. They look like houses for different living creatures! :-)

  2. That's pretty close. I had a particular song in mind while I was picking the three things.

  3. Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet ;)

  4. ....make a little birdhouse in your soulllllllllll.

    love it!
