Thursday, July 7, 2011

Twenty Things - Doxallo Designs

Here's twenty things you may not know about Janice of Doxallo Designs

  1. I love to eat cold food (things that are meant to be hot)
  2. Tools make me happy
  3. My favorite smells are beach/ocean, rain, and a stable (not necessarily in that order)
  4. My heart melts when my son smiles
  5. I firmly believe in a 4 day work week
  6. My taste in music ranges from rock to pop to country to contemporary christian (I can't quite handle rap)
  7.  I actually cried when I saw Celtic Women perform in person - their voices are so pure.
  8.  I've lived in 4 different states
  9.  One of my dreams is to own a huge piece of property in the mid-west
  10.  I don't know how to sew
  11.  I REALLY want to learn to sew
  12.  I won third place in a MD State Archery competition when I was a kid
  13.  I enjoy a high raw diet but I LOVE to cook
  14.  My favorite tv shows are Law and Order and just about anything on HGTV or the Food Network
  15.  I adore my satellite radio
  16.  I do not own a blackberry, ipad, nook, or anything other than a basic cell phone and mini ipod.
  17.  Having a vegetable garden is on my to-do list
  18.  I think pumpkins are pure fun - huge, round, ORANGE vegetable....crazy.
  19.  I used to train racehorses and miss it
  20. I don't have many 'secrets' or unknowns and think this was VERY hard! 

This post written by Janice of Doxallo Designs and Doxallo Studio

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