A brown paper lunch bag
A pencil
Elmer’s or other craft glue
Tissue paper cut into 1 ½ to 2 inch squares- I used a mix of yellow, orange, and red
A small chunk of cardboard to serve as a base, a bit larger than the bottom of the bag
Green construction paper for grass, if desired

2. Reach in and open the bag, so that it can stand by itself.
3. Hold the bottom of the bag in one hand, twisting the bag with the other. This forms the trunk section.
4. Gently fan out each branch and twist it as you did the trunk, in order to create the branches. I like to double some of them up for variety- this means you twist two at once about halfway, and then twist then diverge and twist separately. I did this on a branch very close to the right edge of the step 5 photograph.
5. Twist all the branches and glue the bottom of the bag to your cardboard “ground.”
6. Now for the leaves: grab one square of tissue paper and wrap it on top of the pencil’s eraser. While you hold it still with one hand, use the other to dab one small dot of glue onto the tissue paper. Don’t let go of that pencil yet . . .
7. Press the pencil onto the desired branch and use it to hold the tissue paper in place while you wait for the glue to dry. I tell my students to count to thirty, and then ever so gently take the pencil off. Fill the tree with tissue paper leaves. You can even add some to the ground to make it appear that they’ve fallen there.
8. If you want, you can add grass along the base with some fringed green paper. If your kids are a bit older, they might like to add something extra like a bird, bat, pumpkin, fence, etc.

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