Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fridge Magnet Magnificent

I admit... some mornings are hard. Really, really hard. You know what, though? Today is different. Today I had such a beautiful walk in Druid Hill Park with my Pepita and my Jake, I made a strawberry pie with the delicious berries my garden has gifted us during my daughter's nap time, and I discovered

It turns out that just recently I was trying to figure out what on earth to do with all those magnets that are glued to the fronts of the phone books. I know, I know. It doesn't take a genius to figure out how to turn a magnet into a magnet, but these freebie magnets I'm talking about, the ones with lawyer and electrician ads covering them, these magnets are huge. It just seems like there are possibilities for them that my mommy brain couldn't grasp (having hard mornings and all).

And then I saw this...

Cut out the center and make a picture frame out of it! Of course!

And somewhere angels sang.

See the post for yourself and maybe you'll have an ah ha moment, too. I hope you do!

1 comment:

averagejen said...

i can't believe you were that ambitious today! my brain is still recovering from last night :)