Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday Finds: Festival of Lights

Hannukah is a wonderful holiday filled with symbolism and rituals. Its also a social holiday filled with entertaining, food and presents - what's not to love? Check out these great Hannukah related Etsy finds to help you celebrate the holiday this year.

Ceramic Menorah by Gr8clay. I love this different take on a menorah, it's quite modern.

The perfect card for everyone on your list! By YeeHaw Industries

These pillow boxes make wrapping up all those presents easy. By FieldandSea.

Gold coins made of chocolate are often given as a gift on Hannukah. Why not give this no-calorie brass coin necklace to that special someone instead? By eRosasjewelry.

This dish would be perfect for serving latkes and other hannukah treats. By vesselsandwares.

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