Photo credit: Chiaki Kawajiri, Baltimore Sun/ June 25, 2008)
Owned and operated by Fell's Point residents, the Towles family, aMuse Toys strives to bring engaging, innovative and creative play through its amazing selection of toys and gifts. Claudia & Tom Towles really know their stuff too! Visit aMuse and you're guaranteed to see them on the floor demonstrating a new game, pressing buttons & moving magnets around a giant sand filled safari table top activity center, making informed suggestions and just plain having fun with their customers (the little and not-so-little ones alike). They are committed to selling quality, award-winning toys designed to engage the whole child while inspiring creative thinking. "We don't go with trends," says Claudia. "Everything that's bought is bought with purpose."
You'll find fun for any budget, with toys & games ranging from less than $2 to $500. But it's o.k. to splurge here!; Claudia & Tom look for toys with longevity and multiple uses. What's most popular? well, some crowd favorites include Haba, Zolo and Plan Toys, which are made from rubber wood, a renewable resource. And for those who really want to buy Local, aMuse is also the largest retailer of Baltimore's (and B.E.S.T's) own handmade art dolls, the Knitimals™, by greenstarstudio.
aMuse is a great stop for holiday shopping (especially if you think you might be too frazzled to decipher what your kids MIGHT want); the staff are the perfect ambassadors to the often daunting world of toys! aMuse Toys has two locations: in the heart of Fell's Point, at 1623 Thames St and in the Shops at Quarry Lake, at 2576 Quarry Lake Drive, Pikesville.
Post by: greenstarstudio
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